Sunday, September 15, 2013

Youmacon 2013 Cosplay

Hello everyone! Youmacon is less than 7 weeks away. I can't wait for this year because I'm in the process of making my Cosplay. I'm going as Jenova from Final Fantasy VII. It's my all time favorite game series. And doing this for Youmacon is going to be huge! I'll be the only one out of 10,000 people. 

Now a little bit about Jenova. (For those who don't know much about Final Fantasy VII) She was a Calamity that fell from the sky and tried to destroy the planet. "She take in the traits of its prey, and insert its own genes to turn other organisms into violent monsters. Once she lands upon a new planet it will begin to destroy every form of life it finds. Also absorb its prey's memories and form, hiding as their loved ones to destroy them." Which is how the Cetra was destroyed. 

I'm in the current process of making her Cosplay. I have to work fast but carefully if I want all this to turn out right. So this is what I'll be doing...

I'm trying to find some materials to make this tank. I'll have to be able to assemble and dissemble it for the con. I'm also going to have have smoke coming from the top and maybe the bottom. I'm buying batteries so I can hook up lights around the inside so it looks really awesome when it gets dark. I'm going to be doing a lot of shopping in Home Depot. (⌒-⌒; ) Making the outfits isn't going to be too bad. They first thing I would need to get done is the helmet.

There are different things that are said on Jenova's helmet, but I've decided to go with...
              MADE IN HONG KONG

It's going to be a lot to carve into the the helmet. I'm going to be using pink styrofoam. Then sand it out to make it look smooth then paint over it to make it look like metal. I'll have to carve it out to make it look like I layered a metal plate on it then carve out the inscription. I might use real metal to stick out on the sides like it is on the helmet. And the from circular parts I might want it to glow. 

For the rest of her body with be a bit time consuming...

I'm going to need a lot of styrofoam. And four tubing so it can stick out of the heart. And also one for the cord coming out of her stomach. I'm using wires so stick out of the helmet. Now for the styrofoam part I'm might get it as a block and shape it out as the heart. Then cut in the middle to stand it it. As for the wings and organs coming out of her back ill use flat foam. I'll draw out the design on the foam then carve, sand it out and paint it. 

A friend of mine is going to help me build the tank. I really hope this turns out really really well. This will be the best Cosplay I've ever done. I'm so excited, and can't wait to show all of you how it looks when I'm finished. You can follow my progress on my page on Facebook Asia Lockhart Cosplay. 

I hope you enjoy the read. 


  1. So a question I propose is are u gonna be wearing a body suit or body paint for her main outfit?

  2. I'll be wearing a body suite, but my face and probably my hands will be painted
